Light&Love, llh, llhome, charity, NGO
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Get Involved

Your donation

Besides Light & Love Kwai Fong Neighborhood Elderly Centre fully subvented by Social Welfare Department and Light & Love Elderly Hostel partially subsidized by Hong Kong Community Chest, the operation of our service units merely rely on the donation from the public.

Your love and care would reach many elders and the needy through Light & Love Home. You could contribute to the society through Light & Love Home by donation, voluntary work or any format of support.

Gathered power of corporate/group supports us a lot! Corporates and groups facilitate us to serve more people and bring changes and meaning to their lives. Participating in charity activity not only allows corporate/group to build a positive image to the public, it also increases the belongingness of the team.

Therefore, the support from enterprise partners is important to our work. Please encourage your colleagues to participate, contribute to the society through Light & Love Home! 

Donation inquiry: 2427 7122

Donation method

1) E-Donation
Click here and make e-donation offered by participating banks’ platform (BOC) by selecting 'Donation Type/Service' and 'Donation Method'.

2) ATM / Direct Transfer
Donations can be deposited to our HSBC account 178-875001-001. Please mail the original bank-in slip or ATM transfer advice slip together with your donation form to “Light and Love Home Limited Freepost No. 99 (KWC)”.(With effective from 11th March, 2023 (Saturday), our Freepost address will be updated as follows: "LIGHT AND LOVE HOME FREEPOST NO. 51 CSW"  Thank you for your attention!)

3) By Cheque
You can mail a crossed cheque made payable to “Light and Love Home Limited” along with your donation form to “Light and Love Home Limited Freepost No. 99 (KWC)”..(With effective from 11th March, 2023 (Saturday), our Freepost address will be updated as follows: "LIGHT AND LOVE HOME FREEPOST NO. 51 CSW" Thank you for your attention!)

4) AlipayHK
Click here to enter the website of Alipay HK and make your donation through scanning the QR Code by your smartphone.

5) By Octopus
If official receipt needed, please complete this form and submit to the staff.

6) Fund-raising event cooperation / activity sponsorship
We sincerely invite companies/group to cooperate to organize charity event or sponsor our fund-raising activities.
Please contact us if you are interested.

Donation receipt

Donation of $100 or more is tax deductible for local taxation.

Thank you for your donation! Your donation would benefit more people in need.

If donation receipt is required, please download 'Donation Form' and mail the filled reply slip to us.

Company / Group donation

Gathered power of corporate/group supports us a lot! Corporates and groups facilitate us to serve more people and bring changes and meaning to their lives. Participating in charity activity not only allows corporate/group to build a positive image to the public, it also increases the belongingness of the team.

Therefore, the support from enterprise partners is important to our work. Please encourage your colleagues to participate, contribute to the society through Light & Love Home!

Donation inquiry: 2427 7122 

Donation method

1) ATM / Direct Transfer
Donations can be deposited to our HSBC account 178-875001-001. Please mail the original bank-in slip or ATM transfer advice slip together with your donation form to “Light and Love Home Limited Freepost No. 99 (KWC)”.

2) By Cheque
You can mail a crossed cheque made payable to “Light and Love Home Limited” along with your donation form to “Light and Love Home Limited Freepost No. 99 (KWC)”.

3) AlipayHK
Click here to enter the website of Alipay HK and make your donation through scanning the QR Code by your smartphone.

4) By Octopus
If official receipt needed, please complete this form and submit to the staff.

5) Fund-raising event cooperation / activity sponsorship 
We sincerely invite companies/group to cooperate to organize charity event or sponsor our fund-raising activities.
Please contact us if you are interested.

Donation receipt

Donation of $100 or more is tax deductible for local taxation.

Thank you for your donation! Your donation would benefit more people in need.

If donation receipt is required, please download 'Donation Form' and mail the filled reply slip to us.


Choose from the large selection pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, slider, responsive image gallery with, parallax scrolling, sticky header and more.


Choose from the large selection pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, slider, responsive image gallery with, parallax scrolling, sticky header and more.


Choose from the large selection pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, slider, responsive image gallery with, parallax scrolling, sticky header and more.


No special actions required, all sites you make with Mobirise are mobile-friendly. You don't have to create a special mobile version of your site, it will adapt automagically.


No special actions required, all sites you make with Mobirise are mobile-friendly. You don't have to create a special mobile version of your site, it will adapt automagically.


No special actions required, all sites you make with Mobirise are mobile-friendly. You don't have to create a special mobile version of your site, it will adapt automagically.


Cut down the development time with drag-and-drop website builder. Drop the blocks into the page, edit content inline and publish - no technical skills required.


Cut down the development time with drag-and-drop website builder. Drop the blocks into the page, edit content inline and publish - no technical skills required.


Cut down the development time with drag-and-drop website builder. Drop the blocks into the page, edit content inline and publish - no technical skills required.


Choose from the large selection pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, slider, responsive image gallery with, parallax scrolling, sticky header and more.


Choose from the large selection pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, slider, responsive image gallery with, parallax scrolling, sticky header and more.


Choose from the large selection pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, slider, responsive image gallery with, parallax scrolling, sticky header and more.

Join us as a volunteer

We welcome any age of you as a volunteer to join a variety of voluntary work and assist in social development promotion under District volunteer development Program.

Children under 16-year-old must join the program with signed parent consent form.

Welcome to join district volunteer teams.

Group Participation

There are volunteer teams of Light & Love Home in different districts in Hong Kong and over the world.
We share the same belief, embrace the same vision.

To know more details about District Volunteer Development Program.

Corporate Partner

Coporate Partner                    Photo Highlights                    Become Partner

Launched by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) in 2002, the Caring Company Scheme (the Scheme) aims to cultivate good corporate citizenship. It is specifically geared to building strategic partnerships among businesses and non-profit organizations to create a more cohesive society.

Besides cultivating corporate social responsibility, the Scheme also endeavors to promote partnership between the business and the social welfare sectors. Through cross-sectoral activities and exchanges, the two sectors can get to know and understand each other and develop community projects matching with community needs.

The business organizations take the social responsibility can build a positive brand image and reputation, and create changes in the corporate, beneficiaries and the community. 

If you are interested in a partnership with us, please feel free to contact us.


Cut down the development time with drag-and-drop website builder. Drop the blocks into the page, edit content inline and publish - no technical skills required.


Choose from the large selection pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, slider, responsive image gallery with, parallax scrolling, sticky header and more.


Unit 7, UG/F, Lai Chi Kok Bay Garden, 272 Lai King Hill Road, Kwai Chung

E-mail :
Tel : +852 2427 7122
Fax : +852 3914 6054


Social Welfare Department 
The Community Chest 
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service


We welcome and value any comments or suggestions. Please contact us to give your views if you have any comments.